The students of Lambville started the first unit of Open Court, "Let's Read". We talked about why people read and looked at several different types of poems. The class discussed the usage of capital letters and practiced them in our Language Arts Workbooks! Don't forget to ask your child if they ever saw a PURPLE COW! :)
Everyday Math has begun and the students were able to experience three lessons of the first unit. Number Squeeze and Number Race were the first two games introduced in the Lambville. Be sure that you read through the news letter , which provided information about unit one!
Each day we write in our classroom journals. This week our topics were school, family and what makes you happy. The students are encouraged to write a complex sentence as well as an illustration to help them express their writing in an artistic form.
This week each student created their very own autobiography. The class was also able to participate in "What's In Your Bag". These types of activities are helpful in getting to know one another!
-Water Bottles
-Spelling List/Reading Journals will be given out on Tuesday, September 7, 2010.
-Practice: sight words, phone numbers and your child's address
-Birthdays: Send your child in with a picture and book/game for the classroom.